So my husband and I were wondering around the mall, mainly I wanted to check out The Icing to see if they have any new makeup that I could check out. They have some nice stuff that really works so if you're ever there check it out. I may be doing a swatch video of some eye shadows that they use to carry but they should be the same quality as the new stuff they have in. Anyway my mall now has a NYX kiosk so my jaw dropped when I spotted it and my hubby was like "oh sh*t" lol. I only got a few things. 5 nail polishes and 2 glitter on the go powders. Below are swatches of each so if you like it go buy some. I love NYX and most of their stuff is really great.
Click here for the video.
Bronze Goddess NPG 101

Robotic NPG 139

Enchanted Forest NPG 163

Fire Amber NPG 165

Drops of Dew NPG 236

Las Vegas GOG21

Champagne Bubble GOG22A

NYX Mini HaulBronze Goddess NPG 101

Robotic NPG 139

Enchanted Forest NPG 163

Fire Amber NPG 165

Drops of Dew NPG 236

Las Vegas GOG21

Champagne Bubble GOG22A

Sorry the lighting isn't very good but here's a quick mini haul of a few NYX items I got from the mall. My mall now has a kiosk of just NYX! I'm uber excited for it so I'll be paying the mall a visit more often now =)
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